Saturday, Day 8- A truly relaxing day. We got up early and had great breakfast at the 19th Street Diner. It used to be the Epicurean Bar when I was in school and I celebrated my 21st birthday there 3 times. After breakfast we went to an internet café and sent out Friday’s update. Brian then took us on a road trip and we toured through Carbondale, Redstone, and Marble. I could definitely live in Redstone, about 12 houses in the whole town. Huge art studio/gallery. The views are so beautiful. Redstone Castle is still amazing but you can't get in to see it right now. They will probably re-open in the future. Then Billy and I went to the Yampah Springs Spa and did a bit of sweating in the Caves. The time limit is about 10 minutes and believe me, that is plenty. Then we went to The Glenwood Canyon Brewery for dinner. Although Billy had a brewery in Northampton, this was a very cool one, as you could see all the vats while sitting at your table. We then went back to Brian’s and worked a bit on helping him hang his pictures on his newly painted walls. Got a call from Rick Churchill (my boss at work) saying he was in Carbondale. He usually comes out to ski with his buddy Bob Andrews (the one who actually told me about the job with Rick) and he could only get tickets for Saturday or not at all. So Rick, Bob, Billy and I are going to ski Monday at Snowmass. I so hope Rick gets altitude sickness so he doesn’t try and race me down the slopes all day.
The house mom wants by Redstone, CO (j/k)
Mount Sopris
Views from tour of Crystal Valley
Redstone Castle
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Day 8