Our last day of skiing! And what a day it was. We got up to a partially cloudy sky, in our hotel called the Ptarmigan Best Western, which was about 50 yards from Lake Dillon. We were too lazy to walk down and check it out, also, we wanted to get going. Got free continental breakfast , checked out and we were on the road by 9:00. Got on the slopes a bit before 10 and the snow was phenomenal. We skied at Breckenridge today. They have a ton of blue/black runs, which we finally figured out must mean easy skiing with moguls on the sides. Can’t believe I felt fine enough to actually ski the bumps with Billy. Wonderful bumps. No ice, AJ. Great cruising runs. We did a ton of runs till 12:00 and then met Jenny Weiss and her fiancé, Eric. Off we went, and found some more great runs. Jenny hasn’t been on skis in two years. She did great. Eric is a really nice guy. (He better be, since he’s marrying our JennyGirl someday!) Saw some Colorado Blue Jays (they look grey to me) and Jenny informed us that she likes MaggggPiesssss. (Say it slowly and that what it sounded like. I think the high altitude was getting to her). Found a couple black runs and then wide open fast cruising again. Before we knew it, it was time to go. Took us forever to get out of town, then had to take pictures of some Para-skiing guys. Wow. Does that ever look like fun. Billy says he’s going to try it. I’m typing the first part of this in the car on the way to my sister Carol’s house. We had planned on staying in Denver (with her coming for dinner), but she didn’t feel well yesterday so we’re going there and will spend the night and then I have to leave and head out on the rest of my trip. Just found out this morning that it’s 85 degrees in Los Angeles today. Santa Ana winds. Hope they last for a few days at least while I’m there. How great would that be? Skiing one day and at the beach the next day. (On my birthday, no less). So, my take on this trip, so far is this: Extraordinarily Great! An Awesome adventure! May have to do this trip again in a few years. Maybe we’ll be even better at setting up our website, gosh, maybe we’ll make this into some kind of job. The brain is clearing out a bit, and the thoughts of what to do with the rest of my life are coming fast and furiously. (Of course, because of my age, I should be writing them all down because I keep forgetting them all). I hope a couple of days sitting on the beach in Del Mar will clear it out even more and I should be quite ready to rock and roll when I get back.
Billy, Jenny, and Eric
Laura, Jenny, and Eric


Lake Loveland at dusk
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Day 12